Discover Izu

Ready to Discover the charms of Izu?

  • We offer half day themed tours in Ito and Shimoda.
  • We also offer customized half, full and multi day tours/guide service for the entire Izu Peninsula based on your interests.

Theme Tours

Click on a tour for a detailed description

Customized Tours

Discover Izu at your pace

According to your interests:

  • Mountains
  • Rivers
  • Waterfalls
  • Charming villages
  • Ancient temples & shrines
  • Traditional artists, craft experiences
  • Local events, festivals
  • Food, cooking classes

Your Very Own Izu Experience

There are so many things to do and see in Izu, many you’d never find without a local guide.

  • Want to sing karaoke at a local bar? No problem!
  • Want to practice zazen meditation at an ancient temple? We can arrange that.
  • Want to walk the same paths as legends of Japanese history walked hundreds of years ago? We’ll take you there.

Let's Discover Izu!

Detailed Tour Descriptions

#1 Ike Village Tour

Theme: The Role of Villages in Japanese Culture, Japanese Folktales, Spiritual Japan

Welcome to Ike (pronounced like the letters E-K). Here you will discover the beauty, charm and ancient history of an authentic Japanese village.

Authentic is the key word. Ike is not a place where you’ll find thatched roofs or people dressed up in traditional clothing re-enacting how life took place long ago. Ike is a real community, with normal people living normal lives. It just so happens that their ancestors have lived here for thousands of years.

The key lesson to learn from Ike is to see how Japanese people in a rural community live modern lives, but when you look closely, you see that their daily routines still include practices that have helped the community thrive for thousands of years.

Come see the places, touch the history and hear the stories that define this unique community.

Ike is Japan

Village life is the foundation of Japan’s society and world view. Even in Tokyo, Japan’s biggest city, neighborhoods are set up and managed like rural villages.

Learn deep lessons about Japanese culture as we slowly walk through Ike’s streets, encountering friendly locals, well-tended gardens, historical landmarks and ancient spiritual places. You’ll learn how to make simple offerings (greetings) at shrines and other places associated with kami (protective dieties). A highlight of the tour is Ryukeiin, a 16th-century Buddhist temple famous as the setting of a local folktale. Immerse yourself in Japanese history and mythology as you become lost in the tale, presented in English, while you enjoy the temple’s intricate traditional artwork.

We’ll visit the Suimon water gate at the beginning of a 1 kilometer tunnel that was hand dug more than 100 years ago. We walk along the Nagasawa River, stopping to learn about historical/spiritual monuments along the way. We’ll visit the the water shrine, the mountain shrine, rice fields and community gardens.

The Ike Village Tour is designed for those seeking cultural immersion away from overcrowded tourist spots. This tour highlights the foundational role of Japanese villages in shaping the nation’s identity. When you complete this tour, you’ll understand not only this one charming village, you’ll take away a deeper understanding of Japan that will forever change your way of seeing this country.

Tour Details

Times: Morning (9:30-12:00) | Afternoon (2:00-4:30 pm)
Days: Thursday-Monday (closed Tuesday & Wednesday)
Cost: $250 (1-3 people), $300 per group (4 – 6 people)
* Cancellation policy: Up to 10 days before tour date – 100% refund. 9 days – 2 days before – 50% refund. Less than 48 hours before tour date – No refund.
Difficulty: Easy/moderate – a flat 3-kilometer walk
Accessibility: 90% wheelchair accessible.
Transportation: We can pick up and drop off up to 3 guests from Izu Kogen Station or nearby hotels. Additional guests will need to hire a taxi at their own expense.

* Please contact us for any variations on these tours. We’ll do our best to make an itinerary that fits your needs.

#2 Jogasaki Coast Tour

Theme: Life in a Fishing Village, Coastal Plants,  Japanese History.

The Jogasaki Coast is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan’s Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. This rugged and scenic coastline was created 4,000 years ago by a single lava flow from nearby Mt. Omuro. Our leisurely 2-1/2 hour tour immerses you in the natural wonders and cultural/historical richness of this stunning coastal landscape.

Your journey begins near Boranaya, a 400-year-old fishing hut where you’ll see an ancient fishing lookout and nearby fishing hut that have been preserved as regional cultural treasures. You’ll hear the stories and envision life in this traditional fishing village. From here, we’ll take a leisurely, 1-kilometer walk along the Jogasaki Coast Picnical Course. You’ll see a cannon that was built during Japan’s sakoku (closed country) period and learn how it was built at a time when Japan began to fear frequent foreign encroachment.

Along the way, we’ll see, touch and smell indigenous plants that locals used for food and medicine. You’ll learn local and national history, culture, and the diverse ecosystem that thrives along this coastal trail while taking in stunning views of the Sagami Bay and Izu-Oshima islands.

Of course, the main attraction of the Jogasaki Coast is its beautiful scenery, and we’ll pause at scenic spots that provide the perfect backdrop for memorable photos. We’ll take a short tea break for questions, conversation and relaxation.

The tour ends near the breathtaking Kadowaki suspension bridge and lighthouse.

  • Tour Highlights:
  • Life in a classic Japanese fishing village.
  • Learn about coastal plants used for food and medicine.
  • Insights into local and broader Japanese history.
  • Jogasaki Coast’s role in popular music and local folklore.

Tour Details

Times: Morning (9:30-12:00) | Afternoon (2:00-4:30 pm)
Days: Thursday-Monday (closed Tuesday & Wednesday)
Cost: $250 (1-3 people), $300 per group (4 – 6 people)
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate – there are stairs and rocky paths to navigate.
* Cancellation policy: Up to 10 days before tour date – 100% refund. 9 days – 2 days before – 50% refund. Less than 48 hours before tour date – No refund.
Accessibility: Not handicapped accessible: This is an outdoor trail with stairs and rocky paths.
Transportation: We can pick up and drop off up to 3 guests from Izu Kogen Station or nearby hotels. Additional guests will need to hire a taxi at their own expense.

* Please contact us for any variations on these tours. We’ll do our best to make an itinerary that fits your needs.

#3 Mt. Omuro Tour

Theme: Japanese Mythology, Local Sustainability, UNESCO Global Geopark – Izu.

Mt. Omuro is one the Izu Peninsula’s most visible landmarks. From the top of this dormant volcano, you can  look out at the islands in the Sagami Bay, the majestic mountains of central Izu, or beautiful Mt. Fuji. With your local guide, you will discover far more about this mountain than other visitors.

  • Japanese mythology? Yes. Mt. Omuro is a sacred mountain dedicated to a goddess mentioned in the Kojiki, Japan’s oldest written text. Her story will give you a ew perspective on Mt. Fuji.
  • Local Sustainable Economy? Mt. Omuro is privately owned, but in a way that benefits the village of Ike in its southern foothills. The story of how decidied to make it a sightseeing spot is a lesson in Japanese civics and community sustainability.
  • Geology? The amount of lava that flowed from this small volcano in a single event about 4,000 years ago spread far and wide and created some of Izu’s most unique coastal formations.

Tour Highlights

  • We’ll walk around the rim of Mt. Omuro known for its stunning panoramic views.
  • You’ll see and hear about Mt. Omuro’s role in the practical and spiritual lives of nearby villagers.
  • You’ll gain unique insights into Japanese history, culture, and the volcanic activity that shaped the surrounding landscape.
  • Discover the place of Mt. Omuro in Japan’s ancient mythology.

The tour begins with a lift to the top of Mt. Omuro. We’ll visit the Shinto shrine in the center of the rim, and hear an important story of mythological sibling rivalry. We’ll walk around the rim of the volcano and learn about the monuments placed there long ago.

We’ll visit the shops and operations run by the village of Ike and talk with the locals who work there, offering an intimate look into a unique form of community-administered tourism.

Tour Details

Times: Morning (9:30-12:00) | Afternoon (2:00-4:30 pm)
Days: Thursday-Monday (closed Tuesday & Wednesday)
Cost: $250 (1-3 people), $300 per group (4 – 6 people)
* Cancellation policy: Up to 10 days before tour date – 100% refund. 9 days – 2 days before – 50% refund. Less than 48 hours before tour date – No refund.
Difficulty: Moderate – We will ride a simple chairlift to the top of the mountain. The walk around the rim includes uphill climbs and steep stairs.
Accessibility: Not handicapped accessible.
Transportation: We can pick up and drop off up to 3 guests from Izu Kogen Station or nearby hotels. Additional guests will need to hire a taxi at their own expense.

* Please contact us for any variations on these tours. We’ll do our best to make an itinerary that fits your needs.

  • Mt_Omuro
    Mt. Omuro

#4 SHOGUN & Samurai Tour

Theme: Japanese Feudal History, SHOGUN the Novel/Film, Taisho Era Architecture, and Onsen Resort Culture.

What do you think of when you see the word “Shogun”? Maybe your favorite Japanese restaurant? After James Clavell’s 1975 novel SHOGUN  and the 1980 mini series on which it was based, Shogun and Samurai became popular names for Japanese restaurants, and sushi took the world by storm.

A 2024 remake of the SHOGUN mini series has created a new generation of Japanese history fans. Serious fans of the story know that it is set in Izu. While the story is fiction and not many of the events portrayed actually took place in Izu, the reason the author chose Izu may be because of its connection to the real Anjin-san, known in Japanese as Miura Anjin.

The city of Ito, the largest city in Izu, has a strong connection to Miura Anjin. In 1604, Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered Miura Anjin to build Japan’s first Western style ship right here in Ito, just like he did in the novel.

The Shogun & Samurai Tour takes you to the place where Miura Anjin built that first ship. These days, it’s surrounded by beautiful beach parks, jetties full of local fisherman, and the Ito Harbor. The scenery makes a delightful start to a tour that introduced you to the Miura Anjin and other samurai and Shogun who made big impacts on Japanese history.

You’ll learn why Ito was the perfect place to build a ship and the impact this had on Japanese history in the 1600s. For you real SHOGUN aficionados, we’ll compare truth and fiction. You’ll come away with a deeper understanding of the author’s story craft and of Japanese history.

We’ll continue the tour with another famous Shogun,  Minamoto Yoritomo, Japan’s first Shogun. He was banished here as a teenager, and here he plotted his father’s revenge and his family’s return to power. Being a passionate young man, he also had a forbidden love affair with his enemy’s daughter.

The SHOGUN & Samurai Tour visits William Adams Memorial Park, Ito waterfront and harbor, the Matsukawa River Promenade, and Otonashi Shrine. Along the way, we’ll visit some of the beautiful old buildings and charming locations in the city, including the Tokaikan, a former luxury ryokan inn converted to a museum.

This tour is for those interested in Japanese history, the novel and film SHOGUN by James Clavell, and the charms of a seaside hot springs resort town.

Tour Details

Times: Morning (9:30-12:00) | Afternoon (2:00-4:30 pm)
Days: Thursday-Monday (closed Tuesday & Wednesday)
Cost: $250 (1-3 people), $300 per group (4 – 6 people)
* Cancellation policy: Up to 10 days before tour date – 100% refund. 9 days – 2 days before – 50% refund. Less than 48 hours before tour date – No refund.
Difficulty: Easy – The course is on flat ground with sidewalks. The entire course is handicapped accessible.
Accessibility: Handicapped accessible.
Transportation: This tour is a 100% walking tour that starts and ends at Ito Station.

* Please contact us for any variations on these tours. We’ll do our best to make an itinerary that fits your needs.

#5 Opening of Japan Tour

Theme:  Japan-US History, Diplomacy, and Beautiful Scenery

Step back into a pivotal moment in Japanese history, when a nation long closed to the outside world found itself at a crossroads. For over two centuries, Japan had maintained a policy of isolation, where contact with foreign powers was nearly nonexistent, and the penalty for leaving or entering the country was severe. This isolation brought peace and the arts and culture flourished, but it also left Japan unprepared for the industrial advances and colonial ambitions of Western powers.

Japan’s isolation ended in 1853, when U.S. Admiral Matthew Perry arrived in Tokyo Bay with a fleet of steamships and a stark ultimatum: open the country or face the consequences. In the face of overwhelming power, Japan’s leaders turned to diplomacy, setting the stage for one of the most transformative periods in the nation’s history.

Your journey begins in Shimoda, a picturesque town on the Izu Peninsula, chosen as the site of Japan’s first foreign consulate. Here, American diplomat Townsend Harris faced the challenge of negotiating a treaty that would end Japan’s isolation. This tour will immerse you in the social and political atmosphere of mid-19th century Japan, offering insights into the challenges and experiences of both the Japanese and the Americans during this historic time.

The Opening of Japan Tour will guide you through key historical sites, including:

  • Shimoda Kaikoku Museum: Begin your journey with an introduction to the events that led to the opening of Japan, as well as Shimoda’s crucial role in this process.
  • Gyokusenji Temple: Visit the site of the first U.S. Consulate in Japan, where Townsend Harris lived and worked to forge a new relationship between two very different worlds.
  • Ryosenji Temple: Walk through the temple where the first treaty between Japan and the United States was signed, marking the beginning of a new era.
  • Perry Road: Stroll along this charming, historic street lined with traditional shops and cafes, evoking the atmosphere of old Japan.
  • Mt. Nesugata Ropeway: Conclude your tour with a breathtaking panoramic view of Shimoda Harbor, Sagami Bay, and the southern Izu Peninsula from the top of Mt. Nesugata.

This tour is perfect for those with a passion for Japanese history, the allure of old-world Japan, and the stunning natural beauty of a historic port town. Discover Shimoda, where the past and present converge in a story of change, challenge, and the forging of new paths.

Tour Details

Times: Morning (9:30-12:00) | Afternoon (2:00-4:30 pm)
Days: Thursday-Monday (closed Tuesday & Wednesday)
Cost: $275 (1-3 people), $325 per group (4 – 6 people)
* Cancellation policy: Up to 10 days before tour date – 100% refund. 9 days – 2 days before – 50% refund. Less than 48 hours before tour date – No refund.
Difficulty: Easy – This course includes stairs without handicapped access.
Accessibility: Not handicapped accessible.
Transportation: This tour starts and ends at Shimoda Station. A driver is provided for up to 3 guests from Shimoda Station or nearby hotels. Additional guests will need to hire a taxi at their own expense. We also offer a premium large group tour for groups of 4-6 people, including transportation, for $450.

* Please contact us for any variations on these tours. We’ll do our best to make an itinerary that fits your needs.

#6 Wasabi & Waterfalls Tour

Theme: Mountain villages, agriculture, Forest Bathing (Shinrinyoku), local sustainability.

Our “Wasabi & Waterfalls Tour” takes place in Naka Izu, the birthplace of a unique cultivation technique that produces the world’s finest wasabi. You may think you know wasabi — the bold, green condiment that spices up your sushi — but do you really? On this tour, you’ll uncover the true story behind this mysterious aquatic plant, learning how it thrives only in areas with a constant supply of clean, cool water. Izu’s unique geography, with its volcanic soil and abundant springs, provides the perfect environment for wasabi to flourish.

When you finish this tour, you will be able to impress even the most avid sushi aficionados.

But wasabi is just the beginning. As you explore this beautiful region, you’ll take a rejuvenating walk along the Jizodo River trail. You’ll experience the Japanese practice of forest bathing (森林浴), immersing yourself in nature through all five senses. The sound of the river’s gentle flow, the sight of sunlight filtering through lush foliage, the scent of fresh mountain air, the cool touch of water on your skin—it’s a sensory journey that refreshes both mind and body.

Your experience wraps up with an exploration into the daily life and culture of Warabo, a small mountain village with friendly people, ancient traditions, and an abundance of farm grown products. You’ll learn about the resilient community that calls this place home, gaining new insight into the culture and rhythms of life in rural Japan.

Tour Highlights:

  • The world of Wasabi: Begin with a visit to the Izu Wasabi Visitor’s Center, where you’ll dive into the fascinating history and cultivation techniques of wasabi.
  • Forest Bathing along the Jizodo River: Enjoy a peaceful walk along Waterfall Lane, where you’ll encounter three distinct waterfalls and immerse yourself in the calming beauty of the forest and river.
  • Experience Village Life: Savor a moment of tranquility at a rustic café, explore local markets, and, if time allows, visit a historic temple or shrine that has served this close-knit community for centuries.

This tour isn’t just a journey through nature and tradition — it’s an invitation to reconnect with the essentials of life. Perfect for those who crave an experience that opens your mind, nourishes your spirit, and provides a deeper understanding of one of Japan’s most iconic foods.

Tour Details

Times: Morning (9:30-12:00) | Afternoon (2:00-4:30 pm)
Days: Thursday-Monday (closed Tuesday & Wednesday)
Cost: $275 (1-3 people), $325 per group (4 – 6 people)
* Cancellation policy: Up to 10 days before tour date – 100% refund. 9 days – 2 days before – 50% refund. Less than 48 hours before tour date – No refund.
Difficulty: Easy-Moderate – The course has stairs equal to 3-4 floors of a building. The walking course is mostly unpaved with lots of tree roots crossing the path.
Accessibility: Handicapped accessible.
Transportation: This tour starts and ends at Izu Kogen Station.  A driver is provided for up to 3 guests from Izu Kogen Station or nearby hotels. Additional guests will need to hire a taxi at their own expense. We also offer a premium large group tour for groups of 4-6 people, including transportation, for $450.

* Please contact us for any variations on these tours. We’ll do our best to make an itinerary that fits your needs.

  • Waterfalls, Waterfalls, Waterfalls

Private Custom Izu Peninsula Tours

There is so much to see and do in Izu.

Discover Izu Your Way with Our Private Guide Service

The Izu Peninsula is rich with possibilities, offering something for every traveler. Whether you’ve already mapped out your must-see spots or you’re looking to explore without the hassle of planning, our private guide service is here to make your visit exceptional.

For those with a clear vision, we’ll bring your itinerary to life. If you’re not sure where to start, simply share your interests, and we’ll craft a personalized experience just for you.

Consider these possibilities:

  • Izu’s Ancient Sites
  • Learn about Local Folk Songs, Folktales, and Dances
  • Discover Hidden Rivers and Waterfalls
  • Walk Through History
  • Experience Local Arts and Crafts
  • Discover Izu Agricultural
  • Uncover the Secrets of Izu’s Unique Geology

Our full-day private guide service is tailored to your interests, offering a seamless journey through Izu’s most captivating places. Whether you prefer to be hands-on in the planning or want everything taken care of for you, we ensure an unforgettable experience.

Click the button to get started.


  • Full day Izu Peninsula tour for 1-3 guests. $550
  • Full day Izu Peninsula tour for 4-6 guests. $700
  • Half day private guide within Ito City for 1-3 guests. $300
  • Half day private guide within Ito City for 4-6 guests. $450

This tour includes a car with driver/guide
* Cancellation policy: Up to 10 days before tour date – 100% refund. 9 days – 2 days before – 50% refund. Less than 48 hours before tour date – No refund.

Book Your Tour Here

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1. Choose a date from the calendar . . .

Please book at least 2 days before your tour date. We may be able to accommodate next day bookings. Please contact us.

  • Coastal Formations

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Our days off are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please send us a message if those are the only days that work for you.

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Reviews and Comments

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  • What makes Izu unique?
  • What did you enjoy in particular?
  • How can we improve?

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