Discover Izu

Jimmy's Izu Blog

In recent years, the amount of English language information about Japan’s Izu Peninsula has been increasing, but it’s still hard to find. Official tourism sites tend to cover the highlights.

This blog is designed to introduce well known areas, hidden gems, and tell the stories that help define the character of Izu.

Learn About Izu

  • Practical Information
  • Things to do & see
  • Mythology & Folktales

Help people discover Izu: If you have a site that provides information about Izu, we’d be happy to exchange links. Contact us


Discovering Izu: Nishi Izu

But to find these smaller treasures in unexpected places way off the beaten path adds a great measure of wonder and awe.

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Matsuzaki: One of Japan’s 100 Most Beautiful Villages

The quaint little village of Matsuzaki, on Izu’s west coast, is a dream destination for folks seeking the charm of old Japan.

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Shogun: A Back Story

People born after 1980 may not realize the impact that the book and the original TV drama had on the Western image of Japan. I...

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Izu’s Long Cherry Blossom Season

For a few fleeting moments in spring, cherry trees bloom in ephemeral splendor and people turn out in droves before the blossoms disappear. At least...

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Hiring a guide transforms your travel experience

A local guide can add profound value to your trip, especially if it's your first time in a complicated country like Japan.

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